• What Should You Avoid When Buying A House,The Wall Team

    What Should You Avoid When Buying A House

    Buying a new house is a stressful experience. Your living space and all the things that come attached to it are fundamental aspects that determine the quality of your life, which adds extra pressure when you are looking for a new house. If you are exploring the real estate market for the first time, you begin to understand just how exhausting and complicated securing property is. There are innumerable factors to keep in mind, along with the primary matter of ensuring the financial backing required to buy a new house. It is, therefore, quite inevitable that new homeowners fall prey to one of the many pitfalls surrounding the whole process of buying a new house. Whether it is not having arranged the money for the seller in the required timeframe or not listening to the professionals, aka real estate agents, there is no shortage of hurdles first-time buyers can run into when searching for their dream house. However, there is no need to be scared off from buying your ideal house as there are plenty of professionals out there who can make the house-buying process completely seamless for you. You can take guidance from and be vigilant to avoid mistakes. Buying a new house is a huge investment and, for many, the product of a lifetime of hard work. To ensure you get the house you want and the best value for your hard-earned money, make sure to avoid these 6 mistakes when buying a new house: 6 Mistakes to Avoid When On The Market For A New House Buying your own house is a dream come true for most people, but it can quickly turn into a nightmare if buyers don’t practice due diligence and thoroughly make sure that all their fundamental criteria are met before putting a down payment on a house. Buying a house is a huge financial commitment thus, there’s no such thing as being too cautious. 1. Trusting The Wrong Professionals As we have stated multiple times, buying a house is not an easy process. House hunting, mortgage payments, contract clauses, and negotiations are all quite technical, and you definitely need someone who is well-versed in real estate and knows the seller you will be dealing with. Make sure to survey many companies that provide solutions to all your real estate needs, including agents, brokers, and property lawyers. This is the team that will help you land your ideal living space; therefore, you should only be working with the very best professionals. Trusting the wrong professionals who are mismatched for your needs can be a waste of time and cause a financial disaster. Don’t make that mistake, and thoroughly inquire when looking into a real-estate company. At The Wall Team, we are happy to address any of your queries. 2. Not Having A House Inspection We cannot emphasize enough just how important a house inspection is before you put forward a down payment. It is not a step that you should skip considering the house is a massive investment. Get a house inspection done and only move in once the results are satisfactory.  3. Not Checking Out The Neighborhood Many house owners make the mistake of thinking that their area of concern is only the interior of their house when the neighborhood plays a major role in you feeling safe inside your house. Consider the crime rate, availability of utilities, and other factors when deciding to buy a house in a neighborhood.  4. Not Considering Different Mortgage Structures Multiple loan officers provide different mortgage structures. Mortgages are definitely not the same everywhere. Some loan officers can agree on fewer installments so you can be saved from higher interest rates later. You should shop around for mortgages, compare the different structures you get from loan officers, and then carefully choose the one that best suits your situation. 5. Making A Lowball Offer This is a major mistake that many house hunters make. Many of them assume that the seller will be desperate to sell the house, so they make an offer that is below the actual value of the house. Rather than admiring your negotiation skills, sellers can become quite insulted by low offers and reject them straight away. If you do not want to risk losing your ideal house to other buyers, remain in the seller’s good books and start with a reasonable offer. 6. Going Solo While you may have full faith in your abilities and intelligence, it is never a good idea to go solo on a house-buying venture. You need proper insight from people working daily in the real estate market not to get ripped off. A lot of people have qualms about the agent fees, but that money is nothing compared to the money you will lose due to a misstep during the house-buying process. It takes a village to buy a house. Trust us on that one. Final Thoughts House-buying is the ultimate dream for many people, but it is ultimately an exhausting and nerve-wracking process. You need all the help you can get to navigate the entire process safely. The Wall Team will provide you with empathetic service and help you land the house of your dreams.


  • What Factors Can Increase My Home Value,Wall Team

    What Factors Can Increase My Home Value

    What Factors Can Increase My Homes Value? Your home is an investment, and as with any investment, its value will change over time. Given the current status of the real estate market, you don't need to hope that the value will increase as it is expected that its value increases over the years ensuring a healthy profit once you decide to sell it. There are many value-influencing factors, such as the property’s location, that can’t be changed. However, there are plenty of factors or changes you can work on to boost your home’s value. Here are some of the different ways to increase your house’s value. 1. Expand the Livable Areas It’s no secret that larger properties tend to be more expensive than smaller ones. After, the square footage of a property plays a huge role in its value. However, you might not realize that the size of the property’s livable areas also influences its value. For example, let’s assume you own two 2000-square-foot properties located side by side on the same street. The first property’s livable areas or enclosed room portions take up 1200 square feet of space. The second property’s livable areas take up 1600 square feet of space. In this comparison, the second property will likely have a much higher value because it has a greater livable area despite the total property size being the same for both properties. For this reason, you should consider expanding the size of your property’s livable area. You can do this by adding more rooms or a garage. 2. Revamp Your Kitchen They say the kitchen is the heart of the home. After all, this room is a type of workspace where residents spend an ample amount of time. Many prospective home buyers check the kitchen as soon they enter a property. This is because this room generally indicates a lot about the rest of the property’s upkeep and decor. Homes with an old kitchen with outdated counter and stove top designs generally sell for less because buyers get the impression the owner wasn’t interested in updating this room. Such buyers will probably want to upgrade the kitchen after purchasing the property. Therefore, they will likely offer a lower bid for the home to make up for their future renovation costs. You can capitalize on this by revamping your kitchen before putting the property up for sale. You don’t have to go all out and change everything. However, a few modern appliances, new floors, and a modern countertop can go a long way in giving your kitchen a sleek and modern look that will boost the home’s value tremendously. 3. Make the Home More Energy-Efficient Modern homes are generally designed to be more energy efficient than their older counterparts. Homebuyers seek out such energy-efficient properties because their power consumption tends to be lower. This reduces their monthly electricity and heating bills and is generally better for the environment. If you plan to sell your home in the near future, you can boost its value by making it more energy-efficient. You can do this in a number of ways such as installing insulated windows with multiple panes of glass and replacing traditional light bulbs with compact fluorescent bulbs. If you’re willing to go all out, you can even install solar panels on your roof. However, you should be careful about the amount you spend on these energy efficiency-boosting changes as your costs will eventually exceed the value boost your home receives. 4. Give Your Home a Fresh Coat of Paint Nobody wants to pay hundreds of thousands of dollars for a home with old paint that is cracking and peeling. Such homes have a dilapidated and rundown look, which gives homebuyers the impression the previous owner didn’t care about upkeep. For this reason, you should give your home a fresh coat of paint before putting it up on the market. This is actually one of the most cost-effective ways to boost your home’s value because paint is relatively cheap and it’s possible to paint your home interior and exterior yourself. So consider spending a few hundred dollars for a new paint job and wowing homebuyers with your home’s fresh appearance. 5. Get New Exterior Doors Your home’s exterior appearance will impact its overall value significantly. After all, this is the side of your home that passersby typically see on the day-to-day. You can work on upgrading your porch or the steps leading up to your front door. However, upgrading your doors is probably the easiest way to give your home exterior a better look. If your house was built several decades ago, its main entrance door likely looks old and outdated. The paint job could be peeling and the door handle may have a boring looking design. Consider swapping out the door for a brand new one that looks better. This could be a door with built-in windows and a crystal doorknob. Such looks offer a premium look that can add to your home’s total value. 6. Stage Your Home Staging your home is one of the easiest ways to boost its perceived value without actually making any permanent changes. Consider hiring a designer to bring in new furniture and put up paintings and other decor items to give it a luxurious and cozy feel. Such staging will set you back a couple of thousand dollars, but it will give your home a much greater perceived value. How the Wall Team Can Help You As you can see, there is no shortage of ways to boost your home’s value. If you’re interested in getting the best deal when selling your home, please contact The Wall Team. Our expert team of realtors can assess your property and find ways to help boost its perceived value to ensure you get a great deal once you put it up for sale.  


  • 3 Reasons To Sell Your Home Now,The Wall Team

    3 Reasons To Sell Your Home Now

    Most businesses fluctuate over the years. This is why most entrepreneurs are always on the lookout for the most lucrative business trends on the market. However, one investment that will always prove to be successful is real estate. No matter when and where we are; everyone needs a place to live. And if they have the means, they would prefer to live in a comfortable home in a nice neighborhood. However, it is important to be clever while buying or selling a house. Here are 3 reasons to sell your home now.   3 Reasons To Sell Your Home Now There are a number of reasons people choose to sell their house. Relocation, new job, growing or shrinking families, etc. However, sometimes you need to make a smart decision even when it doesn’t affect you personally. Real estate is a very lucrative market. The more equity your build over the years, the more beneficial it will be in the years to come. However, you can only benefit from it if you make calculated decisions at the right time. Following are 3 reasons that you should seriously consider selling your house. 1) The Market is Hot in Your Neighborhood One of the most important reasons people choose to sell their house is if the local real estate market is hot. If a lot of houses in your neighborhood are being sold within a short period, it means that the home demand is high in your area. And if the demand is high, it means you can get a good price for your house. Since the real estate market is always growing, you may be tempted to hold on to your property in hopes that it will sell for an even better price in the future. However, that’s not always the case. Just because your neighborhood is in demand at the moment, it doesn’t mean that it will continue to be in demand in the future. Instead of holding on to your house, consider selling it while the market is hot and investing the money to buy a house in an up-and-coming neighborhood. You will have to do a lot of research for this purpose. But the good thing is that studying market trends will enable you to learn how to take calculated risks about the best neighborhoods to invest and sell in. 2) The Neighborhood Is Struggling In stark contrast to the previous point, another crucial time to sell your house is when you notice that the neighborhood is going downhill. A lot of factors come into play when determining if a neighborhood will continue to thrive in the near future. For instance, if new schools, hospitals, and shopping complexes are being built in your area, it can be safe to assume that the neighborhood has a good future. Or else, no one would invest in these projects. Of course, this only applies to relatively new neighborhoods. However, even older neighborhoods can show signs of improvement over the years, which can be a good sign that the neighborhood will continue to be a hot property. On the other hand, if more and more people are moving out of the neighborhood, house prices are going down, and the general environment doesn’t look very exciting, it may be a sign that the neighborhood is going downhill. Once this happens, there is a low chance that it will see any growth in the future. Hence, it is better to sell your house at the price you are getting now and look for a house in a better neighborhood. Otherwise, chances are that the price will go even lower in the future. 3) More Cash Flow This is perhaps the biggest perk of homeownership. It allows you to build equity in the long run, which can help you get through some tough times. You know never know when disaster strikes, and you may be in need of money. Did you recently lose your job and are struggling to pay the bills? Is inflation becoming too hard to deal with? Are you in the middle of a medical emergency and are facing medical bills that are touching the sky? Do you have any unexpected expenses that you need to pay as soon as possible? If you don’t have a lot of spare cash lying around, these situations can be extremely tough to deal with. However, if you have a house in a good neighborhood, you can sell it to deal with unexpected financial hardship. Additionally, you can look into other local markets with a promising future to invest in.   Other Reasons You Should Sell Your House There are some more reasons which may encourage you to sell your house. Some of these include: One of the main reasons people choose to sell their house is if their family is growing or shrinking. If you’re living in a two-bedroom apartment, but your third child is on the way, you will soon realize you need a bigger place to live. On the other hand, if your kids are moving out, your large house may not be worth the maintenance cost anymore.   If you’re changing jobs and your new office is in a far-off location, you may want to consider relocating. With the fuel prices touching the sky, it will be a financially smart decision, in the long run, to move into a close-by neighborhood.   When you’re close to retirement, it can be very beneficial to sell your home. The hefty amount of cash your get can be put into retirement plans or savings, which can provide you with the financial support you will need when you aren’t earning anymore.   Sometimes, people get so comfortable in their homes that the thought of moving out doesn’t even cross their minds. As a result, they fail to take into account that the effort and money required to upkeep the house may not be worth it. So, do remember to do a thorough evaluation of your house and decide whether it would be better to move into a smaller place. No matter why you decide to sell your house, it is important to consult a good real estate agent. Head over to The Wall Team to book a no-obligation consultation today. We’ll help you determine whether it is best to sell your home and will also get you the best price for it. Check out our free home valuation tool here.
